Donning the garments of prayer (Parakletos 2012 – July 5 – 8).

Some have decided that it is too late, some have folded their hands in despair, but we believe that the Most High still reigns in the affairs of men. We believe that He is calling His church to once again don the garments of prayer and call forth His purposes into the earth.

And in July it will be Parakletos season again, our European prayer convention that fans the flames of prayer in the hearts of all. Parakletos is the gathering of lovers of God, men and women who have a heart for the future of their nations. This is our story……

Our Story

The first conference held in 2006 was born of a vision of the Lord to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Azusa Street which led to an extraordinary renewal of the church and a new era of the manifestation of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit on the earth.

 Prayer focus

Two and a half years ago, following divine direction we turned our attention to prayer; fundamental as it is to our intimacy with the Father, for a strong church and for the transformation of our societies. We want God to move in our generation, God wants to move in our generation, but there is need for a prayer connection for His desires to be manifested.

 Who holds the key?

Our continent is experiencing a major economic crisis that has caused significant political and social upheaval with no end in sight. Clearly, humans and governments cannot meet the spiritual aspirations of the people nor ensure the well-being of our societies. Only the One who rules over the affairs of men holds the keys. And He is calling His people to don garments of prayer to invite His intervention into our world.

 Why Europe?

Because national borders are today something of an anachronism; decisions taken in one nation have lasting impact on others; choices made at continent wide level influence the lives of every one. It is thus essential that men and women of prayer gather in this new geographical space to call those purposes of God into being that will transform our world. So the focus is on Europe, to bring together intercessors from, and based in different nations; (slightly less than a dozen nations were represented at the last conference.)


No one who feels the stirring of God should miss this opportunity to connect with other men and women of prayer. You will be encouraged, challenged, refreshed, taught, transformed, and together we will soak in that intense presence of God that is such a blessing to us at Parakletos.

It’s a time of connection, fellowship, sharing of experiences, a time of praise, of prayer, and; and this the Lord laid strongly on our hearts for this conference; a time of joy in the presence of the Father

So I am extending a special invitation to you to be with us at this year’s convention from July 5 to 8; and to be our voice in your nation to connect men and women of prayer and encourage them to be in Paris in July. We are in for times of great joy in the presence of the Father. For more information :


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