
Billy Graham – a consistent witness

The TED (Technology, Education, Design) talks furnish a steady offering of insightful, thoughtful, sometimes humorous, often liberal perspectives on life, technology, the present and future and how they all tie together. True, much of it will not square soundly with a biblical perspective on life, but there are babies there that can, and must be […]

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the salvation of my chin

George Mikes in How to be Poor comments wryly about his daughter going shopping in the sales and coming back to say how much money she had saved, and all he saw was how much money she had spent. Well, I saved more than money in my sales purchase last week. I saved my health,

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Think big

A respected leader spoke in our church recently and turned to me and said ‘who do you think you are, people must say that to you a lot ‘who do you think you are?’ How true. Essentially because i do not fit their mould, and i say stuff that makes them think i must really

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God’s consumers

In building and ministering to people there is the constant tension between meeting their needs and directing their focus outward. I find that many people who are not committed Christians who do believe there is a God tend to feel He has better things to do than focus on their own little selves, and only

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