

My Facebook friends have been informed that I have been rereading Charles Colson’s book ‘The Body’, a hefty treatise on the nature and purpose of the church. And if you read my article on the Todd Bentley scandal you will know I talked at length about the church. All that talk about church made me […]


I want to be good to God

I want to be good to God. I heard myself say that in prayer the other day. And really it’s nothing new. It is just this consuming desire to treat God beautifully, to delight His heart constantly. Paul showed me the way when he wrote to the Philippians and said he was praying for them;

I want to be good to God Read More »

That they may be one

One of our enduring values in Abba House is unity. We are in good company, in the high priestly prayer of Jesus He repeatedly prays ‘that they may be one’, and then He goes on to say that our oneness has an impact on the way people perceive Him, on whether or not people believe

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The faith gene.

‘The man believed what Jesus told him and left’; once in a while i read a Scripture and think how much i would like it to be in my epitaph.  This is one of those. A desperate father comes to implore Jesus to come home with him and heal his dying son. He has ostensibly

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