
Dirty those hands and fulfill your dreams

The other day I was speaking to someone who has big plans. I love it when people have big plans. And in the course of the conversation it turns out that there are a few nuts and bolts that are still missing from their plans. To get those in place they will have to step down to a position lower than where they are right now, get their hands dirty and pick up information and skills that will stand them in good stead to succeed in their chosen plans.

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Jesus is at the heart of our faith. You are not a Christian because you believe in God, in the existence of a divine being, but because you believe in Jesus. ; in who He is and in what you came to the earth to do. Many would say that they believe in God and

Centrestage Read More »

Oh, anything but God, please

It is customary when some intelligent people gather to hear them go into raptures about the works of nature, what nature has done, made, what it has so cleverly provided, And all marvel at the goddess nature so rich, so munificent. One is struck by the way in which an almost unimaginable blindness  can seal

Oh, anything but God, please Read More »

Wild with joy

Recently I was studying Ephesians and went wild with joy. I can imagine in what state must have been the apostle when he wrote these glorious words. That he would write this to encourage them is astounding enough, that he would write it because it truly is so, is breathtakingly magnificent. No wonder he felt

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Convenience Store theology

Lately I have found myself mulling over the way in which the condition of our heart influences our theology, and how our weakness may influence which particular Christian doctrines we espouse. In other words, how much of our theology, as Christians, is based on truth, or at the very least the search for, desire for,

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