
abba house

The things that God likes

This morning i started out thinking about yesterday’s service and ended up thinking about God, again. I ended up thinking about what God likes. It’s an open secret, i am a sucker for God’s approval. I live for an audience of One. I was thinking that the service was so full – (no, not of

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That they may be one

One of our enduring values in Abba House is unity. We are in good company, in the high priestly prayer of Jesus He repeatedly prays ‘that they may be one’, and then He goes on to say that our oneness has an impact on the way people perceive Him, on whether or not people believe

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Four stories and one death

Losing one life may be regarded as a misfortune but losing four looks like carelessness, and Jesus was anything save careless. We seem to be making quick work of this Bible in a year project. With Matthew and Mark polished off we’re taking on Luke beginning today. And since we are going to have a

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The Tipping Point – D day

It’s D day. We started our Bible in one year project today as a church body. Today’s passage was the first four chapters of Matthew. I was so pleased that on the way to my meeting i got out my Ipod and listened again to the passage while following the text in French on my

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