Billy Graham – a consistent witness

The TED (Technology, Education, Design) talks furnish a steady offering of insightful, thoughtful, sometimes humorous, often liberal perspectives on life, technology, the present and future and how they all tie together. True, much of it will not square soundly with a biblical perspective on life, but there are babies there that can, and must be salvaged from the bathwater. Much to my joy and surprise i found a TED talk by the Reverend Billy Graham. What a change it makes to the current emergent, evangelical liberal, avoid mentioning Jesus, make everybody happy waffle so prevalent in some post-modern ‘christian’ circles today.

No Bible thumping, loud histrionics of the Pentecostal kind either, just a lot of grace, a lot of love, and a clear articulation of the human need for God, and the revelation of Him that is found in Christ Jesus. A man who before such an audience does not succumb to the contemporary fashion of fuzzing truth to to the point of making it unrecognisable is a giant who must be lauded. And in an era where preachers are continually being caught, do forgive the crudeness, with their pants down, still more kudos to one believes it and lives it.

Enjoy this video, and pray for the next generation of Billy Grahams.

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