ASK FOR THE MOUNTAINS, not the mounds

Following on the thoughts on ‘think big’:

I spoke of being transformed to the point where what previously seemed big becomes normal God stuff to us. I found myself praying one day and consistently since, that God will heighten my consciousness of Him and His greatness to the point where :

  • I cease to be affected by the magnitude of any divine task;
  • I become distinctly unimpressed with, and unintimidated by opposition
  • and thus consider as normal, and take in my stride stuff that would have seemed impossible and utterly unthinkable to me years ago

The same applies to working through the implementation of the big dreams you have. “If leaders are to survive they must view the difficult as commonplace, the complex as normal” says J. Oswald Sanders in his book Spiritual Leadership. Spiritual Leadership is rich, immensely quotable, replete with variegated gems and is arguably one of the finest books ever on the subject of leadership. In other words leaders are to be :

  • Unimpressed by challenges
  • Confident of success in God; I will apply that to every believer.

Bill Johnson’s take on the mind of the Christian is astounding.

He says in an interview“You know your mind is renewed when the impossible becomes logical”. He writes in ‘’The supernatural power of a transformed mind’

“Written into the spiritual DNA of every believer is an appetite for the impossible that cannot be ignored or wished away…in the end, nothing satisfies the heart of the Christian like seeing so-called impossibilities bow their knees to the name of Jesus. Anything less than this is abnormal and unfulfilling”.

My sentiments exactly.

So be a Caleb, ask for the mountains, not the mounds. May God give you big dreams and wash your mind in faith.


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