
God’s healing power – Heidi Baker

As we prepare this week for the healing conference organised by our friends from the MIE ministry and with which we are partners, I was greatly encouraged by this video of Heidi Baker. I am sure it will bless you too. Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “God’s healing power – Heidi Baker”

  1. please help me pray for my health i started with panic atacks 2years ago and since then i started with all kinds of new feelings of sickenss recently i broke my elbow and i keep searching and praying for a miracle and i am desperate please help me to pray for my healing miracle .my oldest daughter with diabetis type 2single mom very orverweight donset been a nurse she doesent take care of herself and my younguest daughter as well my mom well as you can see we all need a healing miracle .
    a sister in need maria

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