
Nick Vujicic – a story of courage

The story is told of a minister suffering from Parkinson’s disease who is in danger spots doing great things for God. He has the habit of challenging Christians to say why they were spending their lives grumbling and complaining rather than working for God. He would walk up to them and say ‘I have Parkinson’s, what’s your excuse’?

My friend Mark sent me the link to a story on Nick  Vujicic. I had seen him on television and been deeply moved by his story.  He was born without limbs to the great distress of his parents, understandably. However they loved him and tried to help him lead a normal life.

At ten  he tried to kill  himself, he  met  the  Lord at 15 and  today travels the world sharing the love of  God. Hear him tell his own story, a  living  demonstration of  what  God can do with a life yielded to Him even in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity.

And in answer to that first question,  ‘None whatsoever’.

3 thoughts on “Nick Vujicic – a story of courage”

  1. Thanks to our God as everyday he shows true Christians. I did not find the words to express my admiration; there is no handicap that can stop the human from serving Jesus. So let us pray to the almighty to help us to do just 1% like our brother Nick. Thanks for the author and for the site

  2. Two things that struck me:
    1. Your comment on finding an Evangelical church in Seville and him being evangellical
    2. This appeared in the Daily Mail! The Daily Mail (UK) for heavens sake! It shows the power of satan is no match for the power God in a sincere Christian life.

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