The Pleasures of God



Perhaps one of my all time favourite books is ‘The Pleasures of God’ by John Piper. I love John Piper. He makes me feel normal. His obsession with God is boundless. If you have an appetite for books, for God, if you love thinking about what makes God God, run and buy this book. I have read and re-read and revisited it over the years and it is still fresh. Like most of John Piper, you may need to chew on it a little, think it through, but i guarantee, it will freshen your perspective.

You may not be Calvinist, of any shade or hue, you may not believe in election, but if you love and enjoy God, you will love this book. Piper’s whole premise is on the joy that God has in being God, it talks about His delights and pleasures. And he says this happy phrase that absolutely thrills me ‘What the church and the world need today, more than anything else, is to know and love God – the great, glorious, sovereign, happy God of the Bible’. In the tradition of Henry Scougal and Jonathan Edwards, he emphasises the satisfaction of the soul in gazing upon the Person of God, an absolute treat.

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