Preaching with more tears than prose

Allow me to be expansive in my celebration of the goodness of God today.  I confess, were you not to allow it, I would be still. How can one not celebrate One so loving, so caring, so powerful, and able to move beyond our human frailties to demonstrate His awesomeness!

God came to church yesterday, somewhat despite us. We were bone tired having worked late, unadvisedly, Saturday night preparing for our January prayer conference. He woke me up early and I sensed Him speaking to my heart saying you should be up now, let others sleep. I dutifully arose and began to prepare for the service, work on my message, pray and do all the sundry things godly pastors do at four thirty am on Sunday morning.

Halfway through worship I cried out to God to do something; and He did. The glory of God enveloped us, I lay prostrate. Finally I got up to preach and could not, could not read the text of Scripture. Oh I tried. The presence of God filled the house, the Holy Spirit began to touch people, and move in the place. I would go back to my text and would have to give up again; so for some moments we simply reveled in His presence.

In the midst of such glory I had a carnal thought, why be woken up so early to prepare for a message I will not get to preach,  but I think God had a better idea. He did want me to preach, but not necessarily with my woefully inadequate words. The glory of God conveyed the message more deeply than my words could. It was tangible, the atmosphere heavy with it, as I write, I still sense it strongly and still marvel.

I did finally manage to read my text and preach the sermon, well, somewhat; with more tears than prose; conscious of the weighty presence all over me. At those times you had better not be self conscious, you just might be making a pretty spectacle of yourself. But it was alright, God was doing what He wanted to do and that suited me just fine.  The title of the message?  Passion for the glory of God.


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