Understanding faith – POWERFUL New Year’s message

Happy New Year 2023! As we embark on this new year we are sure you have made many resolutions to turn your life around. We however experience many failures in our lives because we have not understood that God expects us to trust Him by expressing faith in Him instead of complaining to Him. This year decide to walk by faith and not by sight!

Understanding faith

Join Pastor Bola Ogedengbe on this journey to delve into understanding faith and how it works. Faith is about believing in the invisible because God created us with the ability to believe what we cannot see. Faith is expecting good from God. However, we have been programmed to insist that we must see in order to believe. Yet God brings into existence that which does not exist from the invisible, as we saw at creation. Having faith is not complicated; faith is accessible. You were wired to believe! It is imperative to understand faith and the mechanisms of faith.

Watch this video and you will be well on your way to understanding faith!

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