– prepare to be changed – 


REBORN is a book about the beauty of what God has done for us in the new birth.
It has been called ‘inspiring’, ‘uplifting’, ‘powerful’
because it sets out the outcome for every person of the work of Jesus on the cross.
This relationship with God is more than a pure formality,
it is an invitation to life, it is a transformational occurrence.

3d-coverwebABOUT THE BOOK

  • Have you ever felt you ought to be more excited about being a Christian than you are?
  • Have you ever wanted to have greater confidence in the message of the Gospel?
  • Have you ever longed for a more profound insight into your new identity in Christ as a consequence of the New Birth?
  • Do you desire a powerful, victorious God filled life?

Then REBORN is for you.



Everything that the human soul longs and yearns after is offered in salvation, but how little we understand it. REBORN aimes to give that understanding.


It sets out easy daily steps to fully imbibe these truths and savour the benefits of salvation. When you read REBORN and let these truths penetrate your psyche and transform your understanding of your life in God.

10   C H A P T E R S

10 aspects of the new birth experience.

Each chapter includes:

  • A classical rendition of the Prodigal son (full colour images in the ebook)
  • A presentation of each theme – born of God, adopted, citizen, etc
  • A ‘what does this mean’ section?
  • A ‘what do I do now’ section?
  • Scriptures to chew on
  • Questions
  • A call to action

A book as practical as it is inspirational and doctrinal. Read it through in one go – Use as a devotional Invaluable for small group studies.


Where is it sold?

REBORN is available on major online bookstores (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Blackwell, Book Depository, etc) in paperback and/or ebook format (mobi and kindle). Click below to see in store and purchase.


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Ebook formats

Epub / kindle / Ibook / Kobo / Nook,

You can also order it in your local bookstore if it is not on the shelves.



The truths in this book have been a mainstay of my life as a believer and the subject of years of ministry. I have taught them for almost twenty years, first as a discipleship class teacher in my local church then as a Pastor. My prayer is that they will truly revolutionise your life.

Writing has been a lifelong passion.

It was a joy writing this book. Although I have been writing for more than thirty years, REBORN is the first book to be published. It has been a long journey for the then smart young woman who wrote poetry and did poetry readings barely out of university and had her heart set on becoming a famous writer. Somewhere along the way God broke into my world and asked that the gift of writing be given to Him. It was a painful decision, but a life changing one, and one that has never been cause for regret.

After a 20 year career as a conference interpreter, as I shifted to focus on full time ministry, the one imperative that rang out daily was this ‘write’. What was meant to be, and became a series of short videos on the impact of the new birth for a French evangelistic website DIEU.FM became first one book, then two. French speakers are welcome to view the accompanying videos on the website.

We have seen lives changed as a result of this teaching. I pray that this  book will be a full meal of grace for you and yours.




Join us in getting the word out. Let us put this captivating book in the hands of hundreds of thousands of people. We have put together a few easy steps.

    1. Get the book on Amazon (UK, US, France) or elsewhere. Read and leave a review.
    1. Post on social media.
    2. Forward to your contacts, including relevant Christian media houses; by email, text message or by phone. Download the media kit. It includes :
      1. Book and author presentation images for Instagram, tumblr, facebook, twitter posts and covers;
      2. Regular images, blog images, etc.
      3. Author bio and book blurb in pdf format.
  3. Encourage your contacts to leave a review at point of purchase and also on Goodreads.
  4. Encourage close friends and family to forward to their contacts.

Anything else that is godly and biblical.



Media kit

Right click to download and share any images from the two galleries, they have identical content save that the second gallery features author images.


gallery with author images

pdf author bio and book blurb
Right click the link below and save to computer.



Why not stay in touch to receive updates on upcoming books. The companion volume of REBORN will be out shortly. Be among the first to know and receive free excerpts.

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