Discover in this series how to become an effective soul winner!

In this new series Ps Bola Ogedengbe invites us to take God’s mandate to make disciples very seriously. The kingdom of God is ready ! Forgiveness is ready, justification is ready,redemption is ready, it’s all ready! Jesus,has done everything required. it is ready! Our job is to go and invite people to come in.

God is not going to produce a new form of forgiveness just to meet the needs of someone. There are people out there who are aware of the fact that they need God. They may not know how to reach him but they are aware of the fact that something is not quite right in their lives. They are not full of arrogance and full of themselves but there are people who have the humility to recognize that perhaps they could use the help of God.
As you go out and chooseto become a witness because it’s a decision you have to make. As you become a witness may the Lord direct you to people who are in a situation where they will be sensitive to what you are saying. Now bear this in mind some people may not appear to be sensitive to what you’re saying but at some point in their lives the word that you have sown will bear fruit.

Before Jesus leaves his disciples he says that they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them and theyvwere witnesses and that is a promise for us. When we receive the Holy Spirit wenreceive the power to be witnesses not only to speak as witnesses but also to,live as witnesses and to act as witnesses.

The disciples were witnesses and so their lives demonstrated that they had been with Jesus. Their words demonstrated that they had been with Jesus and their actions demonstrated that they had been with Jesus Jesus consistently sends them out to get the word out; he consistently reminded them that they were to go to preach the gospel make disciples. And that’s what we are supposed to do.

We’ve talked about the fact that Jesus sends us out into the world with a message of the gospel and that we had to bring people to be reconciled with God. This is a very powerful message but which in recent times seems to have been somewhat left aside by the the Church globally. Unfortunately the preaching of salvation has in a sense been left aside

In many of our churches because we have focused a great deal on helping believers to live powerful lives and helping believers to be delivered from the devil and helping believers to prosper and helping believers to know God to love God and basically to just overcome the challenges of life. Many ministers spend a lot of time doing a great deal for believers who are doing very little for God and who are not willing to win souls for Jesus.

In this teaching Pastor Bola Ogedengbe answers the following questions:
Is repentance necessary for salvation?
Should we preach against sin? Should we preach repentance?

In Luke (Luke 24: 44-49 Jesus shows his disciples the scriptures that referred to Him in the Old Testament.

The disciples have understood many things but here Jesus has to open their eyes to understand the scriptures. We also need divine revelation to understand the scriptures, don’t we? What does Jesus tell them and us? We must preach repentance and forgiveness of sins. Why? Because some preachers preachers don’t preach against sin anymore. We have many people today who go to church because they like the choir but they are not born again! They have not repented. How do you know you are saved? You must have come under conviction of sin and repent from your sin, like the people who asked Peter ” What must we do?”
When we preach forgivevenss we have the guarantee with God that He will forgive them. There is no doubt about it! So we can go with boldness. No one has to live with the weight of sin, guilt, with the consciousness of not pleasing God! What must you do when you feel guilty? the Bible tells us to repent! If you truly repent, then you will receive forgiveness of sins!

How can you become an effective soulwinner? In this teaching Ps Bola Ogedengbe explains that your love for God should be demonstrated in the things you do for Him ; in your obedience to His commandments. One main commandment He gave us is to preach the Gospel to everybody around us.

What are you living for? Our lives truly have meaning when they are based on Him.They are founded on Him and they are lived for His purpose. The value of our lives is directly proportional to its usefulness to God. Jesus said in John 20:21 “As the father has sent me I also send you.”

When your father sends you to school to study medicine He expects you to study medicine. He does not expect you to come home with a law degree. So after we are saved Jesus expects us to come to him one day at the end of our stay on earth and say this is what I did with my life. And what we did with our life should be in line with what he told us to do with our lives not just some fanciful thing or some interesting philosophy that we adopted along the way. So it is imperative that we decide how we’re going to live our lives. 

Before Jesus left the earth, He kept on reminding the disciples of what He wanted them to do after. 

Jesus has sent you with a mandate to take the Gospel to your generation! It is not optional. It is a a a divine purpose for the life of every believer. The father sent him on a mission to rescue humanity from the grip of death from the throws of sin and from the the hands of the 

devil. And He sent Him with the power of the Holy Spirit and so Jesus is sending us with the same message of salvation; He’s sending us on the same mission to rescue humanity and he’s sending us with the same power of the Holy Spirit, the same capacity and that’s why in Acts 1 :8  Jesus said “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses” and so we are empowered by the Holy Spirit as Jesus was to embark on the same mission. That is your mission that is the reason why you live, that is your purpose for existence! Everything else is secondary! 

Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” and explained to him what it meant. What is the depth of your love for God?

Some christians stop serving God because they have focused too much on the earthly blessings rather than the heavenly blessings. If you focus on the heavenly blessings you will never be discouraged.

Why should you understand the benefits of heavenly rewards? In this teaching Ps Bola Ogedengbe explains why you should focus on the heavenly rewards:
-You will become tireless in service.
-You will be continually encouraged.
-You will be able to weather adversity

In this episode Ps Bola explains the most important call in your life and how you can be an effective soul winner!
We pray that as you watch this video you will be captivated by the purpose of God for your life that you will give your life for that which is significant and so he says I’ve called you to make you a servant. Like the Apostle Paul truly understood what he was called to do and and he went for it in a big way, he submitted himself fully to the callof God and

he went in the direction that God had for his life and we pray that that will be your testimony; that not only will you hear but you will heed because it’s not enough to hear. 
Many of us are still ignorant of the Great Commission. We still think it’s for the super apostles and the super prophets and we are not involved. We just want to take care of our lives and take care of our children… But we have the same mandate! Discover why in this programme!


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One way of being an effective soul winner is to remember God’s rewards for soul winning!
In this 8th part of the series “Make them come in” Ps Bola Ogedengbe tells us in details the earthly rewards of a soul winner. God is so good that he has prepared earthly and heavenly rewards for those who win 

souls. Not only do we need to preach the Gospel out of duty but willingly, knowing that God will faithfully reward us!
Here are 6 earthly rewards of a soul winner.

1 A soulwinner is pleasing to God
2 Soulwinning empowers your prayer life
3 Soulwinning sets one up for divine provision

4 A soulwinner enters into signs and wonders
5 A soulwinner enjoys the presence of God
6 A soulwinner provokes joy in heaven


What are the rewards in heaven? How do you fulfill God’s will for your life? These are extremely pertinent questions which this teaching by Pastor Bola Ogedengbe will answer.

The principle of reward is prevalent in the Kingdom of God. God loves everybody but not everybody pleases Him. When you’re a soul winner you have the satisfaction of pleasing God, of fulfilling the divine plan for your life.

Why? Firstly, because the soul winner is obedient to the mandate of Christ of making disciples and brings honour to God. Proverbs 14 verse 28 says “A large population is a king’s splendour but a shortage of people is a ruler’s devastation”. Someone must find it scandalous that the devil has taken the whole world with him whereas Jesus came to take everything back and to take everyone back!
Secondly, a person who takes soulwinning seriously will have a powerful prayer life because he/ she carries people in prayer.
Third ly point, as Pastor Bola Ogedengbe points out, “if God is able to use your life to preach the gospel He will ensure that that life is well taken care of”, that there is food on your table because Jesus made the promise that if you seek first the kingdom all these other things will be added unto you. Many people seek these other things first and when they have a bit of time, they seek the Kingdom. They are therefore not involved in winning souls. They spend entire lifetimes managing their continual problems because they are not seeking the kingdom. Can I challenge you today to do something for God?

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There are eternal consequences on what we do on the earth. There is a crown awaiting soul winners (1 Corinthians 9:25). God promises to honor those who serve Him. If we win souls we honor Him and we can expect to be rewarded. Remember that our works will be tested beloved. Don’t lose your reward! And don’t forget that soul winning is also a 

responsibility. We should not have blood on our hands because we did not preach the Gospel. God will ask us to give an account. (Ezechiel 3:17-19; Acts 20:27; 2 Corinthians 5:11) Paul said he had to discipline his body in order not to be disqualified. We must discipline ourselves like athletes who want to win the prize.

Some christians stop serving God because they have focused too much on the earthly blessings rather than the heavenly blessings. If you focus on the heavenly blessings you will never be discouraged.

Why should you understand the benefits of heavenly rewards? In this teaching Ps Bola Ogedengbe explains why you should focus on the heavenly rewards:
-You will become tireless in service.
-You will be continually encouraged.
-You will be able to weather adversity

This is the responsibility of the Christian to win souls and make disciples and we know that it’s not something that’s very fashionable in the church today. We are very big on teaching, we are very big on seminars, we are very big on teaching falling under the anointing, and on being baptized in the Holy Spirit but what we forget is that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is supposed to empower us to be witnesses, not to tell the dreams and the visions we have 


seen and mystify every one and make ourselves look very spiritual and very close to God.

2 Corinthians 4 New Living Translation (NLT)
16 That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are[e] being renewed every day. 17 For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! 18 So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

Some past generations of believers were very focused on eternity and were accused of not being sufficiently focused on the realities of human life and existence here on the earth. Perhaps some of them were guilty of that but the truth of the matter is that our generation is guilty of being excessively preoccupied and overwhelmingly focused on the temporal and almost completely oblivious of the eternal. Now I know that there has

been a cottage industry in visions of heaven and people who claim to have gone to heaven and come back but even that has not spurred people on to serve the Lord with diligence. Rather it’s been the dreaming of going to heaven and reading about it and talking about it. It’s almost like our own reality show and it’s more for amusement than anything else.

Can I challenge somebody today that the vision of eternity that we have is meant to spur us on to greater service for God. The Apostle Paul says:

2 Corinthians 4 New Living Translation (NLT)
8 We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. 9 We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.


16 That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are[e] being renewed every day. 17 For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! 18 So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

Now this is the man who says how he has experienced major persecutions and yet he calls them “ light momentary afflictions” Why? because His eyes were one Eternity not on the troubles he could see. So when we live with our eyes focused on eternity, on the unseen, we are able to be more effective in serving God.

What are the benefits of having our eyes focused on attention what is the benefit of understanding eternal rewards we look to the fact that it makes you very zealous for God; it makes you tireless in the service of God, it keeps you constantly encouraged, it also helps you to weather adversity, and it helps you not to envy the wicked.

What are the benefits of understanding the heavenly rewards?

6 It makes you a stakeholder in the affairs of the kingdom.

7 You will become a blessing to the church.

8 You will become very fruitful.

9 You will be delivered from the futility of human existence.

10 We will be delivered from an undisciplined lifestyle.

11 You will live a holy life.

Don’t miss the “Best of” episode of the series “Make them come in”! You will watch the best video clips of the series. Get ready to be an effective soul winner!

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