Leadership, the future (part 2)

To read the first part of this article LEADERSHIP, THE FUTURE    (CLICK HERE)

Part 2

3. – Today’s leader must be able to cope with the changes that science and technology are spreading, especially communications.

This is a big one for Christian leaders. We must adapt, adjust and integrate new technologies into our way of leading and doing ministry.

In terms of communication, the church embraced radio, television,  in many quarters, it is embracing the internet, youtube, the ipod, blogging, videoblogging, webstreaming, twitter, facebook.  This is key because ministry is about communication. Our communication tools must be finely tuned and honed to maximize available technology in presenting the gospel .

Yet questions invariably arise. Forms may change, but content must be preserved. The challenge is precisely that.

  • How do we embrace change without watering down the gospel or stifling the work of the Spirit?
  • When you stream your services online, how much self censorship is there, what gets said, and what does not get said?
  • Are you tempted to bend over backward to use inclusive language, to gloss over the sharp edges of the gospel to avoid offending?

Leaders need to ask these questions. As it is, too many webstreamed services either look like  gospel concerts or self help seminars.

Another aspect of communication is the rapid spread of ideas. As our world rapidly evolves, we must be abreast of the changes in mindset, in attitudes, some positive, some negative and be in a position to respond and provide an alternative discourse. The gospel is the answer to the human condition but to answer people’s questions, we must know what those questions are, know the underlying issues that will condition their response to our message.

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