Powerful benefits of a lifestyle of giving thanks to God

  • Human beings do not seem to have a natural propensity to express gratitude and see the good. The bad seems to easily obsess us to the exclusion of all that is lovely, sweet, and of good report.
  • I wrote a post years ago about one night at prayer meeting when I asked for testimonies. As usual it took some prodding. And, as usual once one person got going tongues were loosed. And my, did we marvel. God had been doing some neat stuff in all our lives. It was hugely encouraging to hear all the answers to prayer. And I could not but wonder why they did not speak up earlier.
  • I bless God because that culture of thanksgiving is now part and part of the fabric of our church. It did not come easily. many balked at telling their story, it was personal they said. When people come crying for help it is hardly ever ‘personal’. But when the blessing comes, it is suddenly too ‘personal’ to give God praise for publicly. Now our people are quick to tell of the great works of God. They have a different mindset.

    Thinking about the goodness of God

  • Indeed one of our greatest needs is to develop a lifestyle of thinking about the goodness of God to us. The more we think about it, the more grateful and thankful we will be, the more overwhelmed by God and the more beautiful our relationship with Him; praise is fleshed out in our lives.
  • The more we think on all that God is doing in us, for us, through us, the more joyful we are; imagine living with the full consciousness of God’s active involvement in your life. It is thrilling beyond description. It bolsters faith, you are ready to take on the world knowing that He will back you up.
  • The more we think on God’s acts the more encouraged we are to keep serving Him. We meet to pray on Saturday mornings and it’s so cool to know God has been listening and responding. I find that after sharing testimonies, when we go to pray, is a perceptible sense of joy and excitement in the room. There is a greater consciousness of God and of His goodness.
  • And in our individual lives, tesifying builds momentum, births gratitude and joy, and heightens confidence. When you see the good, the bad becomes insignificant and loses the power to condition you and affect your emotions, mood and choices. We must live our lives in a place of thanksgiving, peace and joy.

Choose to colour your world with praise.

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