Great God

A joyful meditation on Psalm 111

There is no greater need or worthier ambition in the life of the believer than to know God. Indeed, nothing in life can be as fulfilling as gazing at the majesty of God.

Great God is a powerful and inspiring book that celebrates the greatness of God through the lens of His extraordinary works. Drawing on the rich illustration of Psalm 111, this book explores different works of God on behalf of His people and how they reflect His extraordinary character.

You will encounter Him as

The God of Mercy, Compassion and Provision
The God of Covenant
The God of Power
The God of Truth,
The Immutable God
The Holy, Awe-inspiring God

A must-read

for anyone interested in deepening their faith, Great God is a heartfelt and uplifting celebration of God’s greatness. You will be forever changed as you join the psalmist in this exhilarating contemplation of our most great and glorious God. You will be fired up with love for God. Great God will captivate you and bring you closer to Him.

Worship is pure or base as the worshipper entertains high or low thoughts of God…The most portentous fact about any man is …what He in his deep heart conceives God to be like. Tozer

Great God

A joyful meditation on Psalm 111

This Study Manual complements the ‘Great God’ book, with the aim of deepening meditation on Psalm 111.

Each chapter includes an introductory text, a Bible passage for meditation and commentary, 10 questions, 5 MCQs, an ‘insight’ text, 10 prayers and 10 prophetic declarations.
You can also use the extra space for your own prayers, declarations, and decisions or action points.

And each chapter ends with a creativity page of your own. An unparalleled meditation experience awaits you.


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The Author

Meet the author

Bola Olivia Ogedengbe is a prolific author, prophet, teacher, and pastor.

She is the founding pastor of ABBA HOUSE Paris and heads the prophetic ministry of The Theophilus Company. She is a former conference interpreter, speaks five languages, and has travelled to over 150 nations. She has a consuming passion for global evangelism.

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