God gives you a vision of the future (special broadcast)

With the world still experiencing the Coronavirus pandemic, we would like to encourage you with the teaching “God gives you a vision of the future” that we broadcast last year during the height of the pandemic. May your faith be built as you watch the video and read this article!

In times of crisis God wants to give us a vision of the future. It is imperative that irrespective of what you are going through, you see beyond the now and see what is going to happen to you and  what you will become when this pandemic is over. There is a post COVID 19 and something is going to be different in our lives. It’s so important for us that if we have not been in harmony with the Father up till now, we now stop and the reset button, and say ‘Father, now let’s make some adjustments.’ As you make these adjustments may God open your eyes to see what He has in store for you.

Be blessed by the testimony of God’s love and tenderness that we share.


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