Book Review : Never Say Diet and The Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Trainer (one giveaway copy of each)

What did I think of this book, I liked it; I like the motivational nature of it, I like the fact that it deals with inner transformation that ultimately leads to enduring lifestyle changes,  i like the fact that an ordinary woman, a believer, one day gets an understanding from God that her life was not right and she made a decision, to change it. It is empowering for women like she was, regular, normal housewives who are in bondage to sundry diet fads and live their entire lives in the clutches of the diet industry while never successfully staying slim. Chantel Hobbs tells her story in a forthright and honest manner. It is not soppy and sentimental, indeed sometimes very much in your face. It will appeal to those women who are chronic dieters and need to take charge of their own lives. She gives useful nutritional information that will go a long way in changing the way you eat. Ultimately her goal is to do more than change your diet. She recognises the power of God to change people in a permanent way.  The accompanying book The Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Coach contains the different stages of physical exercise that she has developed, on which i cannot comment since i did not try them out being somewhat exercise averse myself, at least till now. However, it worked for her, she did lose a massive 200 pounds, with pictures and an appearance on Oprah to prove it, so why not you? All in all, a light and interesting read and of use certainly to those who need to get off the diet merry go round and change their life once and for all.

Author Bio: (Publisher’s info) Chantel Hobbs is a personal trainer, certified spinning instructor, and motivational speaker whose no-excuses approach to fitness has won her a grateful following across the country. The author of Never Say Diet, Chantel hosts a weekly fitness program on Reach FM radio and is a regular guest on Way FM. Her “Ditch the Diet, Do the Weekend” boot camp takes place several times a year in a variety of locations. She has presented her unique approach to lasting fitness in People magazine and on Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox News, The 700 Club, Living the Life, and Paula White Today. Chantel enjoys life with her husband and their four children in South Florida.

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