

Passion for God, loving people

THE THEOPHILUS COMPANY is a prophetic and apostolic ministry. Our mandate is to reconcile men with God and reveal God to men.

Ps Bola OGEDENGBE is the founder of The Theophilus Company ministry, founding pastor of ABBA HOUSE church in Paris and host of Passion pour Dieu/ Passion for God broadcast in French and English respectively. She is a lover of God and her consuming passion is to bring her generation to the feet of the cross. She is also an outstanding writer and bilingual blogger.

Ps Bola OGEDENGBE is a remarkable writer. Her books “Reborn” and “An eye to the crown” are “must haves” for any christian who wants to live a victorious life.

Abba House Church

Pastor Bola Ogedengbe is the Pastor of Abba House, Paris. If you come to Paris, visit us! Joy, love and passion for God and for souls will fill your hearts!


Discover PASSION FOR GOD, a weekly TV programme hosted by Pastor Bola Ogegengbe.

Receive power, healing, restoration, and PASSION FOR GOD!


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