6 ways to keep your fire burning/Stay on fire

How to be on fire for God? How to stay on fire for God?❤️‍

With Ps Bola Ogedengbe, discover 6 practical ways to rekindle your flame for the Lord and to keep a continuous zeal for Him! When we give our lives to Jesus we are often zealous for Him. But everyone will be tempted at one point or another to become tepid. In the book of Revelations Jesus expresses His profound disapproval of lukewarmness and His approval of our passion for Him. So, how do we keep our passion for the Lord? Don’t miss this sermon “Stay on fire for God!“. Ps Bola’s passion for God is contagious! Watch the video:

Here are 6 ways to keep your fire burning:

1 Consecration

2 Word

3 Sacrifice

4 Prayer and worship

5 Desire/seeking the Lord

6 Right associations


Video Article 6 Ways to have a heart on fire for God Video Article 6 Ways to have a heart on fire for God

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